What goes around comes around

Madhur Sharma
3 min readMar 19, 2021

Normally, the above phrase carries negative sentiments but it also means that if you do good you receive good.

Source : https://www.pexels.com/@polina-kovaleva

Last winter, I ordered some jewelry online to gift to my mother on her birthday.

On the day of delivery, I was told that the seller has canceled the shipping because of product unavailability. I wasn’t comfortable with this answer, but Amazon’s team apologized and sent me a gift voucher as a token of apology for the inconvenience caused.

Picture of the jewelry ordered

I went to a jewelry shop in my town and bought the gift.

Few days after that I ordered a power bank from Amazon and in my mailbox, I found two parcels, one of them had a power bank but the other one had the jewelry that I ordered sometime back. I called the Amazon team to check but they had no information about that and asked me to call and check with the seller instead.

I called the seller and found that even they weren’t sure how did that happen but when I sent the pictures of the jewelry and the bill, they told me that it was a clerical mistake by someone in the operations/packaging team and would have cost him his 3–4 months of salary post reconciliation. They thanked me and arranged for a return.

Invoice of the Jewelry

A few weeks back I received a call from the Amazon team, and they congratulated me for being an honest customer and told me that the seller wants to reward me for the honesty.

Since it was COVID time and I couldn’t travel, they arranged a visit to my place and came all over to gift a beautiful gold coin as a token of appreciation. The best part about all of this was the joy that I felt within for doing what I felt right. I didn’t think of sharing this until recently I realized that it’s good to share for the greater good.

Picture with PCJ team member
Gold coin Reward
Appreciation message on the reward’s invoice

